Sunday, May 8, 2022

Virtual Machine


  • A Virtual Machine (VM) is a resource that uses software instead of a physical computer to run a Program.
  • One or more "guest" machines can run on a single "host" machine which is nothing but a physical computer.
  • For example, If we are using windows 10 has a host machine we can run ubuntu ,kali ,lubuntu ,windows 8 ... any OS on the virtual machine.
  • Multiple number of Operating System can be run at a single time.But this depend on the power or configrations of the host machine.
  • There are various software available for running virtual machine.
  • If you are familier with windows and also want to learn or use linux based OS,then Virtual machine is one of the best choice.
  • Since in Virtual machine we can use both GUI and Command line features.
  • Two popular virtual machine software for windows and linux OS are 
    • VMware
    • Oracle VirtualBox

  • After installing ,we can download the intersted OS file and we can start using the OS as a guest in the host machine.
  • In these Virtual machines,we can make configration based on our wish.

Five types of virtualization:
  1. Hardware virtualization
  2. Software virtualization
  3. Storage virtualization
  4. Network virtualization
  5. Desktop virtualization

Advantages of Virtual Machine:
  • Virtual machine allow us to use multiple OS in a single host.
  • It saves physical space, time and management cost.
  • It support legacy application. i.e., A linux OS can run on a non linux host(says Windows).
  • It also provide integrated disaster recovery and application provision option.
Disadvantages of Virtual Machine:
  • Running Multiple OS on a single physical machine can result in slow or unstable performance.
  • Virtual machie are less efficient and slower than the OS running on a host machine.

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