- Older communication methods and Modern communication method has massive difference between them.
- In Olden days ,One of the most common method of communication is through letter and wired telephones.
- In Olden movies,reading a letter is similar to video call .They tried that to capture the reaction of opposite side people who wrote the letter.
- But due to advancement in technology,it is possible to make it real,within a fraction of seconds we can communicate to anyone who can be anywhere in this world...Yes with proper internet connectionπ
- The advancement in technology made it possible to cross this pandemic ,without forgetting each other and it make it possible to continue work without physical meeting with co workers.
This advancement is not a rapid process.
It takes a long journey to this point.
However it is not the destine there are lot of technology is there to come.
1G,2G,3G,4G,5G,(6G : May I come in),...
However these technology has lots and lots of bad impact on environment.
Here after any technology that arise should consider both development and environment
If a development is arising ,It should be a part of the world and not end of something which is in the world.
Lets try to develop us, with the beautiful creation that is already developed by the nature.
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