Thursday, May 5, 2022

Cyber Threads

 Cyber Threats

  • Due to growth of modern technology, Most of the basic things have turned to be online including
  1. Online shopping
  2. Online trading 
  3. Online transaction 
  4. Online class && meetings
  5. ..............

Everything can be done from any where with few steps.

It opens both Positive and Negative doors .

None of the data in the internet is completely safe.
There is no System that is completely safe.

There are lots and lots of loop holes to gain access of a data with is available in internet.
We can't blame the development for this.
If we are using internet it is our responsibility to protect ourself.
Although we can't do it completely.We should try our level best to protect us.

Cyber threat is nothing but gaining access to data of a individual or company to steel or to perform malicious activity in it.

Some of the common cyber threads are,
  • Malware
  • Phishing
  • Spear Phishing
  • Man in Middle
  • Trojans
  • Ransomware
  • Denial of service attack
  • Attack on IoT devices
  • Data breaches
  • Malware on Mobile applications
Since we all are connected to the internet which are interconnected.No one away to anyone .
It made people to come closer both in positive and negative manner.
There are various steps taken to avoid these kind of malicious things.

Cyber security is a practice of protecting sensitive data and various information from various threats that may originate from outside or inside a system.

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